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Emergency Procedures


When you check in:


·       Find the fire exits in your corridor. Count the doorways and examine other features between your suite and the exit, so that you can find your way out in an emergency.

·       Learn the layout of your suite and know how to unlock your door in the dark.

·       Put your suite key close to you when you sleep, so that you can find it easily. You will need the key to get back into your suite.


If the suite door is not hot or there is no smoke in the hall.

·       Check if the hall is clear of smoke. If it is clear, it is probably safe to leave your suite. Collect your key, close the door securely behind you and walk to the nearest exit.

·       Walk down to the ground level while holding onto the handrail for safety. If you encounter smoke or fire on a lower level, turn around and walk up for cleaner air. Go to the roof if it is accessible or use another exit.


If the suite door is hot or there is smoke in the hall…

·       Do not panic.

·       Fill the tub with water for wetting towels, sheets etc. Water can also be used for cooling down the walls. An ice bucket or wastebasket can be used for this.

·       Seal the door from smoke with wet paper towels, cloth towels, tissues, sheets, etc. Cover or block vents as well.

·       If smoke enters your room, make a tent over your head with a blanket or sheet. Make your way to a slightly opened window and breathe air that is free of smoke. If the windows do not open, break one with a chair or drawer, but ONLY AS A LAST RESORT. Do not break or open the window if smoke can enter your room from outside.


If a fire starts in your suite…

·       Collect your key, evacuate your suite immediately and close the door securely behind you.

·       Sound the fire alarm nearest your room and notify neighbors as you leave.

·       Walk to safety via the fire exit.


DO NOT USE the elevator.