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Emergency Procedures


Upon Check-In:


 • Locate fire exits and count doorways from your suite to the exit.

 • Familiarize yourself with your suite’s layout and practice unlocking the door in the dark.

 • Keep your suite key close while sleeping for quick access.


If There’s No Smoke or Heat at Your Door:


 • Check for hallway smoke. If clear, take your key, close the door, and walk to the nearest exit.

 • Use the handrail to descend. If smoke or fire is below, move to higher ground or another exit.


If the Door is Hot or Hallway is Smoky:


 • Stay calm. Fill the tub for water to wet towels or sheets and cool walls.

 • Seal the door with wet towels/sheets and block vents to keep smoke out.

 • If smoke enters, tent with a blanket near a slightly opened window for fresh air. Break a window only as a last resort.


If a Fire Starts in Your Suite:


 • Take your key, exit immediately, and close the door behind.

 • Activate the nearest fire alarm and alert neighbors as you evacuate.

 • Use the fire exit to reach safety.


Never use the elevator in a fire.